2021年10月18日 星期一

【中藥材小知識】 紅芪 Hongqi


【英文】Manyinflorecenced Sweetvetch
【拉丁】Hedysari Radix
【來源】豆科植物多序岩黃芪Hedysarum polybotrys Hand.-Mszz.的乾燥根。

Chinese Name紅芪
Chinese PinyinHongqi
English NameManyinflorecenced Sweetvetch
Latin Pharmaceutical NameHedysari Radix
CategoryRoots and rhizomes
OriginThe dried root of Hedysarum polybotrys Hand.-Mszz.(Fabaceae)
Production RegionsPrimarily produced in the Chinese provinces of Gansu.
Macroscopic FeaturesCylindrical, few branches, upper portion is slightly is thick, 10~50cm long, 0.6~2cm diameter. Externally grayish-reddish-brown, with longitudinal wrinkles, horizontally-oriented lenticels and few lateral roots; outer skin easily falls off, leaving a pale yellow color underneath. Hard and pliable texture, difficult to break; fractured surface is fibrous and powdery, cortex is yellowish-white, xylem is pale yellowish-brown, with radial rays, cambium ring is pale brown. faint odor; slightly sweet taste, with a bean-like flavor when chewed.
Quality RequirementsSuperior medicinal material has very powdery texture, and sweet taste.
PropertiesSweet; warm
FunctionsSupplements qi, secures the exterior, promotes urination, expresses toxin, expels pus, closes sores, engenders flesh. Apply to deficiency qi and fatigue, low food intake and loose stools, sinking of qi of the middle, chronicly diarrhea and rectal prolapse, hematochezia, metrorrhagia and metrostaxis, deficiency exterior and sweating, edema due to deficiency of qi, unexpressive abscess and ulcer, skin expresses yellow due to deficiency of blood, diabetes induced by inner heat, chronicly nephritis proteinuria, diabetes.



【中藥材小知識】 紅芪 Hongqi

  【名稱】 紅芪 【拼音】 Hongqi 【英文】 Manyinflorecenced Sweetvetch 【拉丁】 Hedysari Radix 【類別】 根及根莖類