2021年10月6日 星期三



【名稱】 紅花

【拼音】 Honghua

【英文】 Safflower

【拉丁】 Carthami Flos

【類別】 花類

【來源】 菊科植物紅花Carthamus tinctorius L.的乾燥花。夏季花由黃變紅時採摘,陰乾或曬乾。

【產地】 主產于河南、湖北、四川、雲南、浙江等地。

【性狀】 本品為不帶子房的管狀花,表面紅黃色或紅色,花冠筒細長,先端5裂,裂片呈狹條形,雄蕊5,花藥聚合成筒狀,黃白色;柱頭長圓柱形,頂端微分叉。質柔軟。氣微香,味微苦。

【品質】 以花色紅黃、鮮豔、乾燥、質柔軟者為佳。

【性味】 辛,溫。

【功效】 活血通經,散瘀止痛,用於閉經,痛經,惡露不行,症瘕痞塊,胸痹心痛,癡滯腹痛,胸脅刺痛,跌撲損傷,瘡瘍腫痛。

Chinese Name 紅花

Chinese Pinyin Honghua

English Name Safflower

Latin Pharmaceutical Name Carthami Flos

Category Flowers

Origin The dried flower of Carthamus tinctorius L.(Asteraceae)

Production Regions Primarily produced in the Chinese provinces of Henan, Hubei, Sichuan, Yunnan, Zhejiang.

Macroscopic Features The tube-shape flowers without ovary; externally reddish-yellow or red; thin and long corolla tube, with 5 narrow strip-shaped petal lobes; and 5 stamens, anthers collect to form a tube shape, yellowish-white. Stigma has a long cylindrical shape, apex is slightly branched. Soft texture, faint odor, slightly bitter taste.

Quality Requirements Superior medicinal material is reddish-yellow, fresh, dry and soft.

Properties Acrid; warm.

Functions Boosts blood, frees channels, disperses stasis, stops pains. Apply to menostasia, painful menstruation, retention of the lochia, abdominal mass, chest impediment and pain, abdominal stagnation and pain, chest and flank sting, traumatic injury, sore swelling pain.




【中藥材小知識】 紅芪 Hongqi

  【名稱】 紅芪 【拼音】 Hongqi 【英文】 Manyinflorecenced Sweetvetch 【拉丁】 Hedysari Radix 【類別】 根及根莖類