【名稱】 三七
【拼音】 Sanqi
【英文】 Sanchi
【拉丁】 Notoginseng Radix et Rhizoma
【類別】 根及根莖類
【來源】 五加科植物三七Panax notoginseng (Burk.) F. H.Chen的乾燥根及根莖。
【產地】 主產于雲南文山、廣西、江西、四川等地。
【性狀】 主根呈類圓錐形或圓柱形,長1~6cm,直徑1~4cm。表面灰黃色或灰褐色,有斷續的縱皺紋及支根痕。頂端有莖痕,周圍有瘤狀突起。體重,質堅實,斷面灰綠色、黃綠色或灰白色,皮部與木質部較易分離,木部微呈放射狀排列。氣微,味苦回甜。
【品質】 以個頭圓大飽滿、身乾、個大、體重堅實、斷面灰黑色、無裂隙者為佳。
【性味】 甘、微苦,溫。
【功效】 止血;散血;定痛。主治跌撲瘀腫,胸痹絞痛,症瘕;血瘀經閉;痛經;產後瘀陰腹痛;瘡癰腫痛。
【注解】 “銅皮”指三七藥材的外皮呈灰黃色,像金屬銅的顏色。
Chinese Name 三七
Chinese Pinyin Sanqi
English Name Sanchi
Latin Pharmaceutical Name Notoginseng Radix et Rhizoma
Category Roots and rhizomes
Origin The dried root and rhizome of Panax notoginseng (Burk.) F. H.Chen.(Araliaceae)
Production Regions Primarily produced in the Chinese provinces of Wenshan of Yunnan, Guangxi, Jiangxi, Sichuan.
Macroscopic Features Root is sub-conical or cylindrical, 1~6cm lone, 1~4cm diameter. Externally grayish-yellow or grayish-brown, with intermittent longitudinal wrinkles and lateral root scars. Apex has stem scar, surrounding with verruca. Heavy in weight, firm texture, fractured surface is grayish-green, yellowish-green or grayish-white, cortex and xylem are relatively easily split apart, xylem is slightly radial arranged. faint odor, bitter with a sweet aftertaste.
Quality Requirements Superior medicinal material has round head, large and full size, dry body, heavy weight, firm texture, grayish-black fractured surface, without cracks.
Properties Sweet, slightly bitter, warm.
Functions Stops bleeding, disperses blood, calms pain. Apply to swelling and pain from injury, chest impediment and pain, abdominal mass, blood stasis and amenorrhea, dysmenorrheal, postpartum yin stasis and abdominal pain, sore and abscess swelling pain.
Technical Terms ‘Copper skin’: This refers to a grayish-yellow color seen on the outer skin of san qi, which is similar to the color of copper.
‘Iron bone’: This refers to the central, inner core of the medicinal material, which is iron-colored and hard like bone. It is heavy and solid and does not break easily.
‘Nail head’: This refers to the numerous scars of lateral roots that from small protuberances on the upper portion of the medicinal material; they are also called ‘breasts (ru bao)’.