【名稱】 五味子
【拼音】 Wuweizi
【英文】 Chinese Magnoliavine Fruit
【拉丁】 Schisandrae Chinensis Fructus
【類別】 果實及種子類
【來源】 木蘭科植物五味子Schisandra chinensis (Turcz.) Baill.的乾燥成熟果實。
· 【產地】 主產東北地區。
【性狀】 乾燥果實略呈球形或扁球形,直徑5~8mm。外皮鮮紅色,紫紅色或暗紅色。顯油潤,有不整齊的皺縮。果肉柔軟,常數個粘連一起;內含種子1~2枚,腎形,棕黃色,有光澤,堅硬,種仁白色。果肉氣微弱而特殊,味酸。種子破碎後有香氣,味辛而苦。
【品質】 以紫紅色、粒大、肉厚、有油性及光澤者為佳。
【性味】 酸、甘,溫。
【功效】 收斂固澀,益氣生津,補腎寧心。用於久嗽虛喘,夢遺滑精,遺尿尿頻,久瀉不止,自汗,盜汗,津傷口渴,短氣脈虛,內熱消渴,心悸失眠。
Chinese Name :五味子
Chinese Pinyin:Wuweizi
English Name:Chinese
Magnoliavine Fruit
Latin Pharmaceutical Name:Schisandrae
Chinensis Fructus
Category:Fruits and seeds
Origin:The dried mature
fruit of Schisandra chinensis (Turcz.) Baill.(Magnoliaceae)
Production Regions:Primarily
produced in the northeastern regions of China.
Macroscopic Features:Slightly
spherical or flat spherical shape, 5~8mm diameter. Externally fresh red,
purplish-red or dark red. Oily, with uneven wrinkles. Flesh is soft, numerous
pieces often stick together; inside has 1~2 seeds, kidney-shaped,
brownish-yellow, lustrous, hard, kernel is white. Flesh has faintly distinctive
odor, sour taste. Seed has aroma after being broken, acrid and bitter taste.
Quality Requirements:Superior
medicinal material is purplish-red, large, thick, oily and lustrous.
Properties Sour, sweet, warm
Functions:Astringes and secures,
boosts qi, engenders fluid, supplements kidney, calms heart. Apply to lingering
cough and dyspnea due to deficiency, nocturnal emissions and spermatorrhoea,
anischuria and urinary frequency, lingering diarrhea, spontaneous perspiration,
night sweat, hydrodipsia due to depletion of body fluids, shortness of breath
and feeble pulse, feverish dysphoria and diabetes, palpitation and insomnia.