【名稱】 防風
【拼音】 Fangfeng
【英文】 Divaricate Saposhnikovia
【拉丁】 Saposhnikoviae Radix
【類別】 根及根莖類
【來源】 傘形科植物防風Saposhnikovia divaricata (Turcz.) Schischk.的乾燥根。
【產地】 主產內蒙古東部地區。
【性狀】 乾燥的根呈圓錐形或紡錘形,稍彎曲,長20~30cm,根頭部直徑約1cm,中部直徑1~1.5cm。表面灰黃色或灰棕色。根頭部有密集的細環節,節上有棕色粗毛,頂端有莖的殘痕;根部外皮皺縮而粗糙,有不整齊的縱皺及細橫紋,除散生汙黃色的橫長皮孔外,點狀突起的鬚根痕也隨處可見。質松而軟,易折斷,斷而不平坦,木部淡黃色,皮部黃棕色有裂隙,射線呈放射狀。氣微香,味微甘。
【品質】 以條粗壯、皮細而緊、無毛頭、斷面有棕色環、中心色淡黃者為佳。
【性味】 辛、甘,微溫。
【功效】 祛風解表,勝濕止痛,止痙。用於治療外感風寒,頭痛,目眩,項強、風寒濕痹,骨節酸痛,四肢攣急,破傷風。
【注解】 “掃帚頭”:指防風根頭頂部的棕色或棕褐色毛狀殘存葉基,形如掃帚。
Chinese Name:防風
Chinese Pinyin:Fangfeng
English Name:Divaricate Saposhnikovia
Latin Pharmaceutical Name:Saposhnikoviae Radix
Category:Roots and rhizomes
Origin:The dried root of Saposhnikovia divaricate (Turcz.) Schischk.(Apiaceae).
Production Regions:Primarily produced in eastern Inner Mongolia.
Macroscopic Features:Cylindrical or fusiform, slightly curved, 20~30cm long, head diameter is about 1cm, middle diameter is 1~1.5cm. Externally grayish-yellowish or grayish-brown. Root head has dense thin ring striations with thick brown hairs; apex has scars of stem; outer skin is wrinkled and rough, with irregular wrinkles and thin horizontal lines; both the scattered dirty-yellow long horizontally-oriented lenticels and the spotty raised scars of rootlets can be seen. Loose and soft texture, easily broken; fractured surface is not smooth; xylem is pale yellow, cortex is yellowish-brown with cracks and radial rays. faintly aromatic odor; slightly sweet taste.
Quality Requirements:Superior medicinal material is thick and strong, thins and tight skin, without hairy head, fractured surface has brown rings and pale yellow center.
Properties:Acrid, sweet; slightly warm.
Functions:Dispels wind to release the exterior pattern, dispels dampness and relieve pain, arrests convulsions. Apply to exterior syndrome due to wind-cold, headache, dizziness, rigid neck, rheumatic arthralgia with wind-cold, joint pain and sour, convulsion of limbs, tetanus.
Technical Terms:'Broom head’: This refers to dark brown or brown hair-like remnants of leaf stem, which is often, seem as the head of fang feng roots, the shape is similar to a broom.
‘Earthworm head’: this refers to obvious dense horizontal striations at the head of root medicinal materials, and is also called ‘flagpole top’.
‘Chrysanthemum heart’: this refers to radial lines seen on the fractured surface of medicinal material, which appear similar to an open chrysanthemum flower; also called ‘chrysanthemum lines’.