2021年10月9日 星期六

【中藥材小知識】荷葉 Heye


【名稱】 荷葉

【拼音】 Heye

【英文】 Hindu Lotus Leaf

【拉丁】 Nelumbinis Folium

【類別】 葉類

【來源】 睡蓮科植物蓮Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.的乾燥葉。

【產地】 主產福建、江蘇、湖南、湖北等地。

【性狀】 荷葉葉多折成半圓形或扇形,展開後呈類圓形,直徑20~50cm,全緣或稍波狀。上表面深綠色或黃綠較粗糙;下表面淡灰棕色,較光滑,有粗脈21~22條,處中心向四周射出,中心有突起的葉西峽錢基。質脆,易破碎。微有清香氣,味微苦。

【品質】 以葉大、整潔、色綠者為佳。

【性味】 苦,平。

【功效】 清熱解暑,升發清陽,涼血止血。用於暑熱煩渴,暑濕泄瀉,脾虛泄瀉,血熱吐衄,便血崩漏。

【炙品】 荷葉炭:取淨荷葉,照煆炭法煆成炭。能夠收澀化瘀止血。用於多種出血症及產後血暈。

Chinese Name :荷葉

Chinese Pinyin:Heye

English Name:Hindu Lotus Leaf

Latin Pharmaceutical Name:Nelumbinis Folium


Origin:The dried leaves of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.(Nymphaeaceae)

Production Regions:Primarily produced in the Chinese provinces of Fujian, Jiangsu, Hunan, Hubei.

Macroscopic Features:Often folds into half-round or folding fan-shape, when flattened it has a semi-round shape, 20~50cm in diameter, entire or slightly wavy. Upper surface is dark green or yellowish-green, relatively rough; lower surface is pale grayish-brown, relatively smooth, with 21~22 thick veins that spread from the center to around the sides; center has a raised base of leaf stem. Brittle texture, easily broken. faintly aromatic odor, slightly bitter taste.

Quality Requirements:Superior medicinal material has large leaf, clean, green color.

Properties:Bitter; neutral.

Functions:Clears heat, resolves summer heat, sending up the lucid yang, cools blood, stops blood. Apply to constant thirst due to summer hygrosis, diarrhea due to summer hygrosis, diarrhea due to deficiency of spleen, haematemesis and epistaxis due to blood-heat, hematochezia and metrorrhagia and metrostaxis.

Processed Form:He ye charcoal: cleans the He ye, use the calcinations way to calcine He ye. Astrings, resolves stasis, stops blood; apply to variable types of hemorrhagic disease and postpartum anemic fainting.




【中藥材小知識】 紅芪 Hongqi

  【名稱】 紅芪 【拼音】 Hongqi 【英文】 Manyinflorecenced Sweetvetch 【拉丁】 Hedysari Radix 【類別】 根及根莖類